Psalm 90:15

Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Psalm 90:15

Monday, March 14, 2011

C25K- Week 1 Day 1....

Last night I asked hubby to help me calibrate my Nike+ Sensor so that I wouldnt have any excuse to not get started on my new workout plan. So he tells me we need to calibrate it, its set on my Ipod, now you need to go walk, then run to set it. So I head out the door, thought I was calibrating the thing and somehow ended up on my C25K (Couch to 5K) week one podcast.... and off I went!! The voice comes on during the upbeat music and says to start out walking a brisk 5 minute walk, I thought okay, I can do that... then after the 5 minute walk, the voice says now start a slow jog for 60 seconds, keep your hands loose... ready, set, go!! So I went for it, I jogged the 60 seconds and felt good... then the voice comes on and says, now start walking again for 90 seconds... okay cool, I'm thinking... you can do it! KEEP GOING!! And guess what... I did! I alternated the 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of jogging for 20 minutes and finished up with 5 minute cool down and I felt like Rocky... I did something Ive never done before... I didnt give up!! I pushed through on the last set, even though my calves were burning... I pushed hard and I didnt die... I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. Last night showed me I can do this... I just need to try. Oh, and as for the calibration, still not sure that ever happened cause I was too happy once I got home to let anything bother me.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It takes 21 days to...

change a habit!! So thats what Im gonna bank on...Im gonna REALLY put everything into this for 21 days and see where it takes me. I quit smoking 7 years ago and swear today that it was just a bad habit! I can do this!! Monday will be THE day... Im getting my eating plan, grocery shopping and workout plan done THIS weekend and gonna START this journey AGAIN with ALL I've got... I know it wont be easy but I REALLY WANT to do this... God please guide me and strengthen me during this time. I thank & praise you, In Jesus Name..Amen!!

Ughhh... totally lost.!

I totally lost sight of everything in the past three weeks, which is what always seems to happen to me and what has got me in the shape I'm in... I feel horrible! I just don't understand how I can get so excited and motivated to get moving and then WHAM... I'm back to my old bad habits. I'm sick of it!! I wasted more money on WW and stopped going...what is the problem?? I'm sorry to my family & friends that are standing by me but I need more help... I have asked a friend, Baby-Mama, to help me get through this as she seems to be in the same situation as me and wants to change her bad habits and live a healthier happier life, just as I do. We will begin teaming up Monday for walks, exercising and meal planning together... hopefully she will be the person that can keep me going cause I sure need it!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slowed Down...

Weighed in today to find I had no change in my weight. I was a lil disappointed because I was within my points and I did my walk/run on the treadmill at the gym 3 days this week. I will not be discouraged and will add more exercise this week. I also think I should eliminate as much white stuff as possible, even though its allowed on the plan, I will see how this affects my weight loss. That means Im still 9 pounds from my first goal of 5% loss by March 5th changing my average to 3 pounds a week.

On a good note, we found a great park near home that is WONDERFUL. It has everything we have been looking for including a walking track around the kids park area. We have already been 3 times and will continue to bring the kids.

 Date: 2/12/2011
 Current Weight = 244
Week 2 = 0 lbs.
Total Loss = -3.2 lbs.
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
By March 5, 2011


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drum Roll Please!

Today is one week since my journey began, the lil steps I needed to take to get me closer to where I want to be... and it was a great success. All I really needed to do was eat a lil more sensibly and get up and move a lil more. I was able to eat the things I still enjoy, instead of eating all of it plus whatever LilMan didn't eat, I ate half and I was SATISFIED. I also got lots of things accomplished, even though I was taking care of two kids with the flu. I felt a lil better about myself and didn't feel like I was completely in the dumps. I felt like I was making positive changes and it felt good to do that everyday. So here are the numbers:   Drum roll please!!!

 Date: 2/05/2011
Weight: 244
Week 1= -3.2 lbs.
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
10% Goal: 24 lbs.

I continue to ask our Father in Heaven to walk me in this journey and continue to give me the strong desire to make the right decisions about my health . Father, please continue to help those that are struggling with weight loss and depression as there are so many of us that need your support and guidance. I thank you for helping me this week to remain calm by your word and in keeping me strong when I felt weak.I praise you for loving me and love you with all my heart. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen!!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Little Steps...

Thought I would give an update on how things are going this week. So far, so good. God has given me a strong desire to achieve my goals and is working on keeping me motivated. I have been eating healthier and do not have any urges to eat out of boredom. I found that going to the gym while LilMan is at school to not be so overwhelming and easier since I'm already out of the house. I will also be going to the gym on Saturday after my WW meetings so that keeps me accountable for at least 3 days a week. I have gotten so much laundry done that I don't have much more room to put stuff away so it looks like its time to clean out closets. It feels good to get that done and takes a big load off my shoulders. I am looking forward to weigh in this week... hopefully I hit my 3 pound goal but will be happy and content with any loss. We havent got out much this week, LilMan & DramaPrincess are sick and we will be heading to the doctor this afternoon and its just too darn cold. Hopefully we will have a fun play day outside this weekend.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A New Day...Step One

Today is the day after I decided to change my life. This morning I woke up at 7:30am, got dressed, left everyone warm and cozy, sleeping in their beds and guess what? I went to a Weight Watchers meeting... I joined WW with about 40 other people who feel just like I do... overweight, depressed and miserable. I stepped on the scale, got my info, listened to people talk and felt like a million bucks when I left. I am so looking forward to the week ahead... So here's the breakdown: 

Start Date: 1/29/2011
Start Weight: 247.2
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
10% Goal: 24 lbs.
WW Pts: 36+ (49 extra points for week)

So for my own personal goal, cause this just isn't about loosing weight, but also about living a better life for me & my family, I would like to get all the laundry caught up (because I know it will make me feel better) and bring LilMan to the park or fun place (because I know he will enjoy it) and loose at least 3 lbs (because that's one step closer to my ultimate goal). Also, NO REGULAR COKE & MUST EXERCISE!!

One Final thought: I would like to ask my Father in Heaven to come into my heart, show me the way to a healthier, free life. Give me strength to walk away from things that are not healthy for me and the strong desire to stick with my plan. Father, guide & help me and others struggling with weight issues to make the right choices & do better for themselves. I thank you, praise you & love you! In Jesus name, I pray! Amen!!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Its time to LIVE...

After many long days of sitting here, depressed and unhappy about myself, I decided its time to start living and quit sitting here dying. I have a very forgiving God in Heaven,  I have a wonderful husband, who loves me unconditionally, the greatest kids and family a person could ask for, I have my health (but not for long if I dont do something), I have a roof over my head & money in the bank. I have everything to be thankful for and all I do is sit here in my misery of how unhappy & fat I am and do NOTHING about it. Very SELFISH!! My husband works his butt off to support us and I sit here and mope about how tired I am... from doing NOTHING. My house is a mess, I have laundry to do for days, an inch thick of dust on my ceiling fans and I sit here and do NOTHING... sickening! Worst yet, I have gained 60 pounds sitting (Facebooking) here doing NOTHING and I have a gym membership that my hubby pays for and I still sit here and do NOTHING. Such a shame, my LilMan, only gets out the house to go to the grocery- bet he's thankful for the 2 days a week that he gets to go to school for an hour and a half. I wonder how I got to this point, I have always had issues over being overweight, but that never stopped me from doing things I enjoyed. Now at 250 pounds, I have no interest in walking out the front door or facing anyone that knows me for fear of what they think of me now. Seriously, most of the time, I stay in my nightshirt (nothing fits anymore), I don't brush my hair and sometimes I forget to even brush my teeth. Life cant be about this, Ive got to start living... before it too late. What a pity-party this is... I have never wrote or said any of this out loud and Im so ashamed of myself... from this day forward I NEED TO LIVE and quit sitting here dying. Live for ME, my kids, my husband and my family. I will take one step at a time, put one foot in front of the other and LIVE!!   