Psalm 90:15

Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Psalm 90:15

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A New Day...Step One

Today is the day after I decided to change my life. This morning I woke up at 7:30am, got dressed, left everyone warm and cozy, sleeping in their beds and guess what? I went to a Weight Watchers meeting... I joined WW with about 40 other people who feel just like I do... overweight, depressed and miserable. I stepped on the scale, got my info, listened to people talk and felt like a million bucks when I left. I am so looking forward to the week ahead... So here's the breakdown: 

Start Date: 1/29/2011
Start Weight: 247.2
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
10% Goal: 24 lbs.
WW Pts: 36+ (49 extra points for week)

So for my own personal goal, cause this just isn't about loosing weight, but also about living a better life for me & my family, I would like to get all the laundry caught up (because I know it will make me feel better) and bring LilMan to the park or fun place (because I know he will enjoy it) and loose at least 3 lbs (because that's one step closer to my ultimate goal). Also, NO REGULAR COKE & MUST EXERCISE!!

One Final thought: I would like to ask my Father in Heaven to come into my heart, show me the way to a healthier, free life. Give me strength to walk away from things that are not healthy for me and the strong desire to stick with my plan. Father, guide & help me and others struggling with weight issues to make the right choices & do better for themselves. I thank you, praise you & love you! In Jesus name, I pray! Amen!!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Its time to LIVE...

After many long days of sitting here, depressed and unhappy about myself, I decided its time to start living and quit sitting here dying. I have a very forgiving God in Heaven,  I have a wonderful husband, who loves me unconditionally, the greatest kids and family a person could ask for, I have my health (but not for long if I dont do something), I have a roof over my head & money in the bank. I have everything to be thankful for and all I do is sit here in my misery of how unhappy & fat I am and do NOTHING about it. Very SELFISH!! My husband works his butt off to support us and I sit here and mope about how tired I am... from doing NOTHING. My house is a mess, I have laundry to do for days, an inch thick of dust on my ceiling fans and I sit here and do NOTHING... sickening! Worst yet, I have gained 60 pounds sitting (Facebooking) here doing NOTHING and I have a gym membership that my hubby pays for and I still sit here and do NOTHING. Such a shame, my LilMan, only gets out the house to go to the grocery- bet he's thankful for the 2 days a week that he gets to go to school for an hour and a half. I wonder how I got to this point, I have always had issues over being overweight, but that never stopped me from doing things I enjoyed. Now at 250 pounds, I have no interest in walking out the front door or facing anyone that knows me for fear of what they think of me now. Seriously, most of the time, I stay in my nightshirt (nothing fits anymore), I don't brush my hair and sometimes I forget to even brush my teeth. Life cant be about this, Ive got to start living... before it too late. What a pity-party this is... I have never wrote or said any of this out loud and Im so ashamed of myself... from this day forward I NEED TO LIVE and quit sitting here dying. Live for ME, my kids, my husband and my family. I will take one step at a time, put one foot in front of the other and LIVE!!   