Psalm 90:15

Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Psalm 90:15

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Slowed Down...

Weighed in today to find I had no change in my weight. I was a lil disappointed because I was within my points and I did my walk/run on the treadmill at the gym 3 days this week. I will not be discouraged and will add more exercise this week. I also think I should eliminate as much white stuff as possible, even though its allowed on the plan, I will see how this affects my weight loss. That means Im still 9 pounds from my first goal of 5% loss by March 5th changing my average to 3 pounds a week.

On a good note, we found a great park near home that is WONDERFUL. It has everything we have been looking for including a walking track around the kids park area. We have already been 3 times and will continue to bring the kids.

 Date: 2/12/2011
 Current Weight = 244
Week 2 = 0 lbs.
Total Loss = -3.2 lbs.
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
By March 5, 2011


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drum Roll Please!

Today is one week since my journey began, the lil steps I needed to take to get me closer to where I want to be... and it was a great success. All I really needed to do was eat a lil more sensibly and get up and move a lil more. I was able to eat the things I still enjoy, instead of eating all of it plus whatever LilMan didn't eat, I ate half and I was SATISFIED. I also got lots of things accomplished, even though I was taking care of two kids with the flu. I felt a lil better about myself and didn't feel like I was completely in the dumps. I felt like I was making positive changes and it felt good to do that everyday. So here are the numbers:   Drum roll please!!!

 Date: 2/05/2011
Weight: 244
Week 1= -3.2 lbs.
5% Goal: 12 lbs.
10% Goal: 24 lbs.

I continue to ask our Father in Heaven to walk me in this journey and continue to give me the strong desire to make the right decisions about my health . Father, please continue to help those that are struggling with weight loss and depression as there are so many of us that need your support and guidance. I thank you for helping me this week to remain calm by your word and in keeping me strong when I felt weak.I praise you for loving me and love you with all my heart. In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen!!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Little Steps...

Thought I would give an update on how things are going this week. So far, so good. God has given me a strong desire to achieve my goals and is working on keeping me motivated. I have been eating healthier and do not have any urges to eat out of boredom. I found that going to the gym while LilMan is at school to not be so overwhelming and easier since I'm already out of the house. I will also be going to the gym on Saturday after my WW meetings so that keeps me accountable for at least 3 days a week. I have gotten so much laundry done that I don't have much more room to put stuff away so it looks like its time to clean out closets. It feels good to get that done and takes a big load off my shoulders. I am looking forward to weigh in this week... hopefully I hit my 3 pound goal but will be happy and content with any loss. We havent got out much this week, LilMan & DramaPrincess are sick and we will be heading to the doctor this afternoon and its just too darn cold. Hopefully we will have a fun play day outside this weekend.