Psalm 90:15

Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Psalm 90:15

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ughhh... totally lost.!

I totally lost sight of everything in the past three weeks, which is what always seems to happen to me and what has got me in the shape I'm in... I feel horrible! I just don't understand how I can get so excited and motivated to get moving and then WHAM... I'm back to my old bad habits. I'm sick of it!! I wasted more money on WW and stopped going...what is the problem?? I'm sorry to my family & friends that are standing by me but I need more help... I have asked a friend, Baby-Mama, to help me get through this as she seems to be in the same situation as me and wants to change her bad habits and live a healthier happier life, just as I do. We will begin teaming up Monday for walks, exercising and meal planning together... hopefully she will be the person that can keep me going cause I sure need it!


  1. I've had times like this too. Just try to turn your focus to things you love, enjoy, are happy with. It will help distract you from "what is" and help you stay or get back on your journey. :)

    I've always run to food first, and slowly I'm starting to see that turn around....even on those not so great days. :) Sounds like you're on the right track in changing habits and eating well, keep up the great work, you'll get there!!

  2. Thanks for the pep talk... it really helps having someone that is going through the same emotions. I appreciate it very much! {hugs}
